WG3: Strategies & frameworks
One of the objectives of the project is to propose appropriate long-term strategies and support frameworks which can form a basis for a balanced approach between promoting the use of domestic biomass, while also keeping markets open for sustainable imports of biomass.
Specific focus of WG3:
- EU level and EU Member States’ policies affecting lignocellulosic biomass trade
- Sustainability concerns in importing and sourcing regions
- Strategies and policies in sourcing regions (1) in relation to biomass trade, (2) to ensure sustainable production of biomass, (3) to promote domestic biomass use (energy or other applications)
- Opportunities and barriers for international biomass trade
- Key principles for sustainable trade
- Long-term strategies and support frameworks in relation to biomass trade
Members of WG3:
- Mr Carlos Alberto Fernández López, IDAE (Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energia), Spain
- Mr Emanuele Bianco, Gestoredei ServiziEnergetici S.p.A (GSE), Italy
- Mr Giulio Volpi, European Commission, DG ENER, Renewables and CCS Policy, Belgium
- Mr Juan Carrasco, EERA Bioenergy, Spain
- Mr Birger Kerckow, Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR), Germany
- Mr Brian Kittler, Pinchot Institute, USA
- Ms Evelyne Thiffault, NRCan (National Resources Canada), Canada
- Ms Fanny-Pomme Langue, European Biomass Association (AEBIOM), Belgium
- Mr Marc Monsarrat, Rainforest Alliance, UK
- Mr Gordon Murray, Wood Pellet Association of Canada (Canada), Canada